Pictures and Thoughts from Zachary Owen's Life

Here, as often as sleep-deprived-possible, pictures and thoughts about Zachary Owen Eisenman will be posted.
Return often because, like Zach, the blog will change very quickly!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What's that in the sky??? Posted by Picasa

Yeah Selena! I love my new clothes. Posted by Picasa

Mommy and me...we are soooo cute!! Posted by Picasa

Daddy saw my cousins in LA. Here's my buddy Michael! Posted by Picasa

Here's Thomas with his gameboy Posted by Picasa

Here's Anna with some scary monstah Posted by Picasa

Daddy and the gang went to the Santa Monica pier. They rode some scary lookin' rides! Posted by Picasa

Everyone was screamin' but Thomas was coooool as a cucumber! Posted by Picasa

Uncle David, Anna and daddy looking like giants! Posted by Picasa