Pictures and Thoughts from Zachary Owen's Life

Here, as often as sleep-deprived-possible, pictures and thoughts about Zachary Owen Eisenman will be posted.
Return often because, like Zach, the blog will change very quickly!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mommy and Daddy took me to LALALand (that's easy for me to say) for Uncle Ian and Auntie Felicia's wedding! Posted by Picasa

Even Gran Ma Sandy flew with me Posted by Picasa

Before the party, Gran Ma Sandy took me swimming...yeeeehaaa Posted by Picasa

Ian was a little shaky before it all started! Posted by Picasa

All theses smiles...and I wasn't even in the room! Posted by Picasa

From what I heard while I slept, Grand Ma Leah and Granpappy Ralph helped throw one great party!Posted by Picasa

Mommy's friend Gabe is pretty AND is the reason we were all there! Posted by Picasa

Gran Ma Sandy and Auntie Aliza enjoyed seeing each other Posted by Picasa

Ian enjoying da ladies...I know how he feels!Posted by Picasa

The LA Crew together as one Posted by Picasa

Whoops, I slept through the whole thing Posted by Picasa

Auntie Toby, my great-grand-mother Boobi and Gran ma Leah enjoyed being together for the happy occasion Posted by Picasa

The next morning, I, like Ian and Felicia, was one happy fela! Posted by Picasa